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ossetia selatan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "ossetia selatan"
  • It took part in the 2008 South Ossetian War.
    2008 - Perang Ossetia Selatan 2008 terjadi.
  • I still have contacts on the South Ossetian border.
    Aku masih punya kawan di perbatasan Ossetia Selatan.
  • The 2008 South Ossetia war between Russia and Georgia.
    Perang Ossetia Selatan 2008 antara Rusia dan Georgia.
  • Ever since South Ossetia, she has been impossible to talk to.
    Sejak Ossetia Selatan,.. ..Dia susah diajak berbicara..
  • You have been different ever since South Ossetia.
    Kau berubah.. ..sejak dari Ossetia Selatan.
  • You've got to tell me what happened in South Ossetia.
    Kau harus memberitahuku apa yang terjadi di Ossetia Selatan.
  • You've been different ever since South Ossetia.
    Kau sudah berbeda sejak Ossetia Selatan.
  • The landscape looks like South Ossetia.
    Pemandangan Sepertinya Ossetia Selatan .
  • 'The administrative border with South Ossetia.
    'Batas administrasi dengan Ossetia Selatan.
  • Georgia disputes the declaration and considers South Ossetia to be part of its territory.
    Georgia mengklaim Ossetia Selatan sebagai wilayah kedaulatannya.
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